Vocational Training in the Battery Industry

Building a skilled workforce

Voltage is a transformative and forward-looking project that spearheads innovation in the dynamic and growing battery industry. Through strategic collaborations with partners in Finland, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and Türkiye, the project places a strong emphasis on vocational education and training (VET) to address the industry’s evolving demands. With a long-term vision in mind, Voltage aims to build a skilled workforce capable of driving the future of the battery sector.

Project News

See latest news in the Voltage project, events, best practices and activities as well as highlights and results.

Events & activities

Project results

Voltage map

The launch of the Voltage website

On Friday May 31th the Voltage website were launched. Find updates and news related to Voltage and read more about the project’s aim to build a skilled workforce for the battery sector at voltage-cove.eu

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Work Packages

Voltage Partners

The Voltage project partners in Finland, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and Türkiye are VET providers and industry representative in the battery industry. Each partner brings unique expertise, competences, and experience that collectively contribute to the project’s objectives and outcomes.

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